Academics » Online Textbooks

Online Textbooks

Many IMS textbooks can now be accessed on-line!  Your child will need a username and password to access the On-Line Textbooks.  These usernames are to be given by your child's classroom teacher.  Please have your child inquire with their teacher for this information.  Here are the books that can be accessed on-line.
Holt Algebra I --
8th Grade Reading: Elements of Literature --
7th Grade Language Arts: Elements of Language --
8th Grade Language Arts: Elements of Language --
Holt French --
Holt German --
7th Grade Science --
8th Grade Science --
McDougal Littell Math Textbooks --
Holt, Rinehart, Winston Math Textbooks --  (Students need to be registered by their teacher before they can log on to this site.)
Decisions for Health -- Level Blue --