Remind Account Numbers » Remind Account Numbers

Remind Account Numbers

Activity    Season  Remind Number
 Art Club All Year   @imsart 
 Baseball Jr. High Spring  N/A 
 Basketball Boys  Winter   @c42k2c 
 Basketball Girls   Winter 
 Bring a Smile Club All Year @bringasmi
 Cheerleading Fall/Winter  @7977ak 
 Cross Country Fall  @imscross
 Drama Club Winter  @imsrudolph
 Dungeons and Dragons All Year @8b7ed6
 FCCLA All Year   @k66462 
 Football (8th) Fall  @feb423 
 Football (7th) Fall @gak48c 
 Handbell Choir All Year  @8248hf 
 HOTT All Year  @4agh26 
 Indy Acts All Year     @indyacts 
 Innovators All Year  @imsi 
 Interact All Year @fabc3b
 Newspaper All Year  @imsnew
 Science Club All Year  @imsscie 
 Soccer Boys Fall  @kgbc9f 
 Soccer Girls Fall  @imsgir 
 Softball Spring  @imssoftba1
 Stage Band All Year  @imsstag 
 Stage Crew All Year  @imscrew
 STAND Club All Year @77774d4
 Student Council All Year  @eed9kg 
 IMS Swimming Fall/Winter  @imsswim
 Track   Spring  @imstrack 
 Ukulele Club All Year @imsuke
 Volleyball Boys Junior High Spring  @24dgf9  
 Volleyball Girls Fall  @69akdd
 Wrestling Winter @g26egb8
 Yearbook All Year  @9efh6e 
Parents who just want to receive general information texts about these activities can text the code to 81010.  However, if you would prefer to use the Remind App, you can do that as well by downloading the app and enabling push notifications to their phone.