Returning Student Registration Portal

If you haven't already done so, parents and guardians of Bethel Park students, please help us serve your family better by completing your students’ online Returning Student Registration (RSR) information today.

The RSR portal is located in your student’s Home Access Center (HAC) and has replaced the old hard copy School Emergency Cards. It takes just minutes to complete per child, and if you’ve done it before and your child’s medical needs have not changed, that information could already be pre-populated and need confirmation. If you have multiple students in the district, you can import the relevant contact information for each successive child with the click of a mouse.

Please be sure to set aside a few minutes today to complete and submit your student’s data, as the information you provide through the online portal could mean the difference between your student getting the proper medical attention they need in an emergency and the correct people in your family being notified as promptly as possible.